Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Tuesday February 25, 2020

Tuesday February 25, 2020

Blog being written Wednesday 02/26 sitting in Starbucks in Woodland Mall.

Another restless night.  Running nose and other flu symptoms kept me up.  Finally at 0200 I took two Bauer aspirins and fell right to sleep.

Nancy has a 0800 appointment with Dr Kutsche.  I set the alarm for 0615.  Nancy got up with the alarm, took Ms P out and then headed to the Doctor’s office.  The purpose of the visit is a pre op checkup.  Nancy has ankle surgery next week.

I get up at 0700.  Shaved and showered before breakfast.  I also called Dr Kutsche’s office.  I want him to check my lower abdomen pain.  Is it a hernia, etc?  Surprise I get in at 1120 this morning.  Same day service.

Headed to Panera for a quick coffee and a chance to read email.  Headed to Doctor’s office at 1100.

Told Dr Kutsche my problem.  However, Nancy had told him about my cold so he gave me a quick check.  Blood pressure normal, temperature normal. Lungs, throat and ears ok.  Just a seasonal head cold.  

Dr Kutsche probed and checked around my groin area.  He could not tell if I had a hernia because of the fat deposit.  Bottom line, continue doing my normal routine.  If an exercise hurts, lighten up.  If the pain become too bad I should contact the surgeon who did the original evaluation.  He will probably operate.  I took this advice as good news.

On way home from Doctor stopped at D&W to mail a package.  Also made a quick bank stop to get $2 bills to send to grandkids.

At home Nancy and I compared notes on our visit to Doctor.  We were both pleased.

Before lunch put out corn for deer and cleaned up desk.

Lunch and then a nice long nap. Because of sleep apnea  I have been using a long pillow wedge to elevate my head.   It works but I think the angle it creates between my back and hips may be causing some of my abdominal pain.  Took the wedge pillow off.  Slept fine.  I will experiment sleeping without the wedge and try to sleep on my side.  Is this trial and error medicine by amateur?

Fixed apple snack.  For dinner Nancy fixed spaghetti and a salad.  Very good.

Watched new and Jeopardy while eating after dinner snack.  Tonight we watched an episode of Grantchester.  

Nancy headed to bed. She is still sleeping on sofa.  I watched the final episode of season 1 of my favorite Finnish crime show Bordertown.

It was snowing when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Winter is returning.

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