Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Tuesday February 11, 2020

Tuesday February 11, 2020

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy got up with Ms P early this morning, 0545.  She said it was mild, 29, with 17mph wind.  Today is Nancy’s swim day so she left home at 0700.  This afternoon we are making a trip to Costco.

I left at 0800 for the Y.  Light calisthenics and stationary bike before a 0.6 mile walk.  Today I increased my time on the stationary bike to 12 minute.  Ultimate goal is 15 minutes.  My average heart rate according to my Apple Watch app was 120 bpm.  This seems high to me.  Showered before heading to Panera.

Panera was not very busy this morning.  I had a bowl of oatmeal and coffee before writing blog and reading news.

This and that:

Today is the New Hampshire primary.  Will Mayor Pete continue his good showing?  I hope Senator Klobuchar a moderate makes a good showing.  Senator Sanders and Warren are too far left for me.

Is Germany imploding?  Angela Merkel’s hand picked successor suddenly resigned after a provincial election defeat.  

The Korean film Primate wins the academy award.  First time ever for a foreign film.  I watch foreign films on Netflix all the time.  I find them very good.  I think the English subtitles makes you concentrate on the film.

On Feb 3, 1962 young Ensign Scott now stationed on Midway Island wrote his mother a letter.  I must have had too much time on my hands.  I wrote:

The weather on Midway was sunny but windy.  Water temperature was 67.  I did go swimming on New Year’s Day.

For reading I buy the Asian edition of Time and Life at the Navy Exchange (px).  As you would expect, absolutely no social life.  I might go to the Officer’s Club for a drink but that is it.

I have been helping some young enlisted sailors preparing for their Surveyors exam.  Passing this exam means a promotion.  I enjoy teaching.

Of course I bitched about the Senior Officers wanting to build a golf driving range when we need new barracks and recreational facilities for the Sailors.

I noted a lot of grammar mistakes on my letter.

Left Panera at noon as soon as I got home we headed to Costco.  Our shopping list included:  Cheerios, paper towels, toilet paper, eye drops and cheese.  

Emptied car and then took a 30 minute walk.  Walking into a 17 mph wind was uncomfortable.

Put out corn for deer before lunch.  After lunch accomplished some chores, like bringing up our newly glued clothes pole, loading it up with coats and taking the spare pole downstairs.  Exciting chore for us old folks.

I took a nap followed by our apple snack.  Nancy cooked a pot roast complete with potatoes, carrots and onions in the crock pot.  The meat melted in my mouth.  Very good.

Usual after dinner activities.  Tonight we watched NCIS.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another Norwegian crime show.  Mid 20s when took Ms P out at 2200.

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