Friday, February 28, 2020

Thursday February 27, 2020

Thursday February 27, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera.

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said it was cold and very windy.  I got up at 0700 as Nancy was departing for her swim at MVP.

This morning I declared myself cold free.  Did some light calisthenics at home, breakfast and then headed to Y.  

The Y was crowded.  I asked a manager how many members the Y has.  He said 19,000.  WOW.

Every routine I did this morning was at 50% of normal.  Calisthenics, stationary bike and walk.  Took a long hot shower before heading to Panera.

This and that:

If you watch MSU basketball you might see a promo for MSU.  One promo talks about MSU’s library and it’s large comic book collection.  It features my cousin Randy Scott who is the comic book guru.

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten season.  I only saw one person with a ash mark on their forehead.  Years ago you would note many folks with the mark.

The Coronavirus still dominates the news.  It already is having major impact in the financial world.  The worst epidemic in my life was the Polio epidemic in the late 40s.

Many parts of Africa and Asia are having a locust plague.  It is like something out of the Bible.  I think the proper use of DDT would help.  However, in today’s world this will never happen.  

Many years ago China had some luck using ducks to eat locust.  Several news outlet recently said China was sending thousands of Ducks to Pakistan.  However,  ducks need a lot of water and water is not available in the desert climate of Pakistan.  No Ducks to Pakistan.

Who is going to drop out after Saturday’s South Carolina primary?

Left Panera at noon.  At home put out corn for deer and then gathered up empty pop bottles and headed to Meijer’s.  I like Meijer’s recycle operation.  It is smooth and accurate.  Used the deposit to offset the cost of wine, cheese and bagel chips.  

Lunch and then a quick nap.  Fixed our apple snack after my nap.  

I recently bought a gadget at the Apple Store that improves posture.  It attaches to the your back and sends a signal whenever you slouch.  I tried it and found it works.  
Nancy fixed Trader Joe’s Shepard’s Pie for dinner.  She also fixed a salad.  Great meal. 

We had our after dinner snacks and watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Acorn.  Tonight we watched an episode of Jack Irish.  

It was bitterly cold when I took Ms P out at 2200. A warmup will start Saturday.

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