Thursday, July 4, 2019

Wednesday July 3, 2019

Wednesday July 3, 2019

Blog time 1650 sitting in living room.

Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Up at 0500.  Took Ms P out in darkness.  No sun until 0607.  Traffic was light on the freeway.  Maybe folks are taking today and Friday off so they have a nice long weekend.

The Speaker, a retired Air Force Colonel, did not show this morning.  We had a super breakfast heard some announcements and headed home early. 

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home to buy a lottery ticket.  I buy a Lotto 47 ticket.  The payout is usually several million.  The tickets are $1 each and they have two drawings a week.  I buy one ticket for 60 drawings, so every 30 weeks I buy a new ticket.  I expect to get lucky soon.

At home changed into bike clothes and took a 9 mile ride.  The temp was in 80s with high humidity.  Showered before lunch.

Today Nancy works at the Gardens.  She left at 1230.

This and that;

POTUS’s canceling and then reinstating the census question about citizenship is very confusing.  He should just drop the question.  His staff has got to be confused by his indecision.

In Kentucky a major Bourbon spill at Jim Beam warehouse.  Bourbon was running into nearby creek.  Hope the critters don’t get drunk drinking the water.

Speaking of drunken critters, in the early 50s a Great Lakes freighter ran aground outside Alpena.  A big hole was ripped in its side.  The ship was carrying wheat.  The wet wheat fermented creating an alcoholic mash.  Local ducks ate the mash and got drunk.  Folks from all around the area drove out to see the drunken ducks trying to fly.  A great scene I am told.

More critter news.  The City of Denver will start shooting geese.  These geese will be used to feed poor area families.  The geese are unsanitary and have overrun recreational area.  Great idea. 

I did a load of laundry before a short nap.  AJ and I walked to the backyard ponds to see in we could find any tadpoles.  No luck but we did notice a lot of minnows in one pond.  We will return later with a net to see if we can capture one.

Light dinner tonight.  Nancy and I had our after dinner snacks before a short walk.  

Tonight we watched episode 1 of “Ms Fisher’s Modern Murder Mysteries.  We gave it a C+.  Lights out a 2130.

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