Monday, July 15, 2019

Friday July 12, 2019

Friday July 12, 2019

Blog being written on July 15, 1100 at Panera

Friday our big travel day to Chicago.  Up at 0415 to get ready for our big train trip to Chicago.  It was dark and cool in GR but temps will be in 80s in Chicago.

We left at 0500 for the Depot.  No traffic at this hour of morning.  When we got to Depot the parking lot was rapidly filling up.  

The AMTRAK train had five cars and they were all filled.  Train left on time 0600.  

For years the GR to Chicago train had trouble filling seats.  Only efforts by West MI Representatives saved the line.  For once political interference got good results.

Arrived in Chicago a little after 0900.  Took a taxi to the Hampton Inn on Wacker Drive.  This was our first and only taxi trip.  Nancy had downloaded the Uber and Lyft app and we used Lyft for the rest of the trip.  Never had to wait more than five minutes.

Our room was not ready when we arrived.  The complimentary breakfast was still open so we partook.  Basic complimentary breakfast found in all the hotels we stayed at.  

Finished breakfast and were told our room was ready.  Great news.

Today we bought tickets for the hop-on, hop-off bus.  First time I have ever used this bus.  Great way to see and learn about Chicago.

We made the complete cycle without getting off.  On our second trip we stopped at the “Taste of Chicago” festival.  Nancy bought cheesecake, I bought a Chicago style pizza and AJ had an ice cream.  The event was crowded.  It was very hot, high 80s, and humid.

For dinner we had burgers at Five Guys.  Missy’s flight from LA arrived early this evening but she did not get to the hotel until 2200.  AJ was very happy to see her Mom.  

Missy and AJ had a snack at Starbucks.  We all turned in at 2300.  It was a long day.  

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