Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Blog time 1020 at Panera

I was wide awake at 0550 this morning.  Took Ms P out.  It was warm 72 and cloudy.

Dressed for my bike ride to the Y and after breakfast headed out.  Surprise, it was thundering so I parked the bike and drove to Y.  By the time I got to the Y it was pouring.  Calisthenics and mile walk before driving to Panera.

Finished yesterday’s blog and read a few sections of the news.  

This and that;

Talk about weird, the hail storm in Mexico.  The storm dropped over two feet of hail.  The temperature was in the 80s.  Super weird!

Nike dropped a shoe line that had a small copy of the original USA flag.  The flag with thirteen stars.  Flag was made by Betsy Ross.  Nike dropped the shoe after Colin Kaepernick complained it was used by right wing groups.  I really don’t care who uses this flag.  For me it represents the founding of our country.  Shame on Nike.

The demonstrations continue in Hong Kong.  Anyone who has experienced freedom could never abide by the rules of the China’s communist party.  

Got home about 1100 and headed out on a ten mile bike ride.  After showered, shaved and then a quick lunch.

This afternoon AJ and I saw Toy Story 4.  I liked the movie.

At 1730 we headed to Meijer’s Garden to attend the free Tuesday evening concert.  We put up our lawn chairs and Nancy and AJ started their picnic dinner.  I bought a hot dog and beer.  We were nicely settled when they announced the concert was cancelled because of fast approaching electric storms.  

We, along with about 1,500 other folks, packed up our gear and headed home.  We no sooner walked in the door when the storm broke.  Good decision by the folks at the Gardens.

Watched a Netflix show before heading to bed.  The storm had passed by 2200.    

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