Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Monday July 22, 2019

Monday July 22, 2019

Great night for sleeping.  Temp was 68 when first went out.  Nancy slept in this morning.

Today I have to stay home because the Security Company is coming to put in a new CO monitor.  Nancy headed out at 0800 for her class at MVP.

The service man is scheduled sometime between 0900 and noon.  I had time for a quick cup of coffee so got on my bike and headed to Panera.  Filled up my travel mug and headed home.  

The service man arrived at 0930.  It took about an hour to change monitors.  The new monitor is guaranteed for ten years.  I probably won’t be around for the new monitor.  I will be 91.

This morning I took a 14 mile ride.  It was nice and cool.  Perfect weather for a ride. 

Showered and shaved before lunch.  After lunch I dropped off my shirts at the laundry and filled up the Taurus.  At home switched cars and headed to Bill and Paul’s a local outdoor sporting goods store.  Almost bought a kayak but chickened out.  

Fixed our apple snack before taking a nap.

 We have a Robin’s nest is our security light.  For several weeks have watched the nest without seeing any chicks.  Yesterday we finally saw two chicks in the nest.  It is a little late in the nesting season and I sure hope the chicks can survive.

We had a light dinner followed by a walk.  Fixed our cookies and cheese/pill snack.  Watched the news before switching to Acorn.  Watched another episode of Keeping Faith.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched the Belgium Cop show on Netflix.

The temperature had dropped to the 60s at bedtime.  No AC tonight, which is great.

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