Monday, July 1, 2019

Sunday June 30,2019

Sunday June 29, 2019

Blog being written on July 1, Monday, while sitting in Fox Ford.

Sunday morning and I slept in until 0730.  It is going to be another sunny warm day.  Temps will reach mid-80s.  Perfect weather for last day of June.

We decided that today we would drive to Grand Haven to see their Arts Festival.  Despite all the detours it was a pleasant drive.  The traffic in Grand Haven was bumper to bumper.  Folks not only going to the Art Festival but also the Grand Haven Beach.

Spent about an hour walking around the Festival.  After, we drove along the beach frontage road.  All the parking lots at the beach were full.  Folks had to park a mile away and walk.

When the kids were young we would have Sunday breakfast on the beach.  No problem getting in if you arrive before 0900.  Nancy would set up a grill and fix breakfast.  After breakfast the kids would go swimming.  Great summer memories.

On the ride home Nancy asked what was the alarm noise.  I checked and the low tire pressure light went off.  I thought it was the same tire I had problems with on Friday.  At home I checked and it was a different tire.  Bummer!
I had a quick lunch.  During lunch I read the Ford manual on changing tires.  Looked easy enough.  I decided to take a short nap before tackling changing tires.

I had no problems changing the tire.  The spare tire is for temporary use so I will get a fix tomorrow.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Also bacon and spinach pie.  For dessert I had some rhubarb sauce that Nancy had recently made.  Love Nancy’s rhubarb sauce.

This evening I finished reading the GRP.  We all switched to Netflix for our evening’s viewing.

This and that from last week’s news;

President Trump did not embarrass himself while at meeting with world leaders in Japan.  Of course most Americans cringe when he starts bragging.  Modesty is not his strong trait.

Meeting with North Korean and Chinese leaders was also a positive.  Have to keep the lines of communications open.

Joe Biden is taking a lot of unwarranted heat for working with fellow legislators years ago.  Senator Harris is way out of line in her criticism.  The only way things get done is by working together.

Are the Tigers as bad as their record?  

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