Thursday, July 11, 2019

Wednesday July 10, 2019

Wednesday July 10, 2019

Blog time 1055 at Panera

Once again Nancy was first up at 0550.  It is going to be a hot humid day.

Today is easy Wednesday.  Did some light calisthenics at home.  

Nancy headed to a class at MVP.  AJ and I had breakfast at IHOP.  I like IHOP’s pancakes.

At home I took the 5 mile route to Panera.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read some news.

Quick shower and lunch before driving Nancy to the Gardens.  AJ and I got to the theater just in time to see the 1305 Spider-Man movie.  The theater was not crowded.  Most of the viewers were teenagers.

AJ liked the movie but I gave it a C-.  Bought AJ an ice cream before heading home.  It was hot and humid when we left the movie.  Temperature was 91.

At 1600 headed back to Meijer’s to pick up Nancy.  She said the Gardens was not very busy.  Maybe the heat and humidity?

We had a light dinner.  We have not been having our after dinner snacks lately.  Maybe next week will get back on schedule.

I did take a short walk to the mailbox after dinner.  Had to mail a payment to my ENT doctor.  How come medical bills arrive 90 days after the appointment?

We watched the news on ABC and NPR.  We still cannot get NBC.  After Jeopardy we switched to Apple TV and watched shows on Prime and Netflix.  

The temp was 80 when took Ms P out at 2200.  The AC will remain on this evening.  

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