Sunday, July 7, 2019

Saturday July 6, 2019

Saturday July 6, 2019

Up at 0630, Nancy was already up.

This morning Nancy and I walked to Panera.  First time in about a month.  Nancy said her foot felt great.  

Nancy only had a coffee but I had my normal Saturday morning fare, oatmeal, bagel and coffee.  We also purchased a bear claw to take home to AJ.

The heat and humidity continues. The AC is going full blast.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY VERONICA!  Today is our daughter-in- law’s Birthday.  You are special to us Veronica!

Nancy started the laundry and I headed out on an eleven mile bike ride.  The trail was full with folks taking advantage of a nice summer’s day.

Showered and shaved before lunch.  Nancy and AJ went swimming at MVP this afternoon.  I took a nap.

The aftershock quake in Ca was more severe than the earlier quake.  Missy says she felt the quakes but so far no comment from Steve.

For dinner Nancy fixed scalloped potatoes with ham.  It was great.  For our after dinner treat we drove to Culver’s and had frozen custard.  The place was crowded with old folks.

We watched Scott and Bailey on Acorn before turning in.  The temperature had dropped to the low 70s so I turned off AC.

A little after midnight our alarm system goes off.  AJ tried to wake me with no luck.  Nancy finally turned the system off.  I finally woke up.  It is scary that I was able to sleep through the alarm.

The alarm’s panel said we had trouble with our CO monitor.  I found the monitor and pushed the test button and got a normal reading.  About 0100 I called the alarm folks and was informed that we have a defective monitor.  No problem they will replace next week.  Easy for them to say!!

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