Friday, July 5, 2019

Thursday July 4, 2019

Thursday July 4, 2019
Blog time 1317 sitting in living room.

We slept in until 0630 this morning.  It looks to be a sunny warm 4th.  Dressed and got a quick cup of coffee at Panera.  

At 0745 we left home and headed to the annual Hollyhock Lane Fourth of July parade.  Hollyhock Lane is in the Ottawa Hills neighborhood of GR.  Today was their 85th parade.  

It was started as a neighborhood parade for the neighborhood kids.  It has retained it neighborhood quality.  

A great turnout for the parade and ceremony following the parade.  A mid-America classic.

After the parade we headed to IHOP for a pancake breakfast.  We all thought the pancakes hit the spot.

Briefly the rest of today’s activities;

Six mile bike ride.
Quick look at the news on iPad. 
Took short nap.
Brief summer shower passed through.
Nancy grilled steak for dinner.
At 2100 we headed out to see Cascade Twp fireworks.
Parked in St Robert’s lot along with everyone else.
Fireworks started at 2200 and lasted 35 minutes.  Great show.
Got home at 2330 and headed straight to bed.

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