Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Monday July 29, 2019

Monday July 29, 2019

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I slept in until 0645.  Checked my weather app and no rain until this afternoon.  

Nancy headed to MVP for her “healthy lifestyle” class.  After breakfast I biked to the Y.  Today I took a new route which has fewer hills but is exactly the same distance as my normal route, 7 miles.

This morning traffic on local roads seemed lighter than normal.  Same can be said of attendance at Y.  Folks must be on vacation.  

Calisthenics and 0.6 mile walk before heading to Panera.  Panera still has not solved their AC problem.  I now carry an extra shirt in my backpack.

This and that:

The baby robins are getting bigger.  How long before they leave the nest?

The shooting at the Garlic Festival in Gilroy, Ca is today’s big news story.   Does anyone have an answer on how to stop these shooting?  

Nancy and I, when driving from San Jose to LA, always drive by Gilroy, the Garlic Capital.  The smell of garlic is overpowering.

Representative Cummings and President Trump continue bad mouthing each other.  What happened to civility among our elected leaders?  Good grief it is embarrassing.

Puerto Rico’s Justice Secretary, who is next in line to be Governor, doesn’t want the job.  What now?  

Nice to see the pols in DC are going to take August off.  It might be better for the USA.

Started to sprinkle at 1130 so I left Panera early.  After lunch I headed downstairs. 

This afternoon;

I finished putting together the invocation I will give at Wednesday’ Breakfast Club.

Paid several bills and finished checking end of month finances.

Fixed our apple snack.

Walked to mail box to post several letters.  Halfway into the walk it started to rain hard.  Changed clothes as soon as got home.

This evening we had our standard Monday light dinner.  Watched the news on ABC.  Direct TV and NBC are still fighting so no NBC.

After dinner fixed Nancy’s cheese/pill snack.  Tonight we watched an episode of London Kills on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an new show, Undercover, on Netflix filmed in Holland with subtitles.  

The temperature was in mid 70s at bedtime.  Turned off the AC.  Rest of week should be nice with no rain.  

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