Friday, July 19, 2019

Thursday July 18, 2019

Thursday July 18, 2019

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Another hot humid day ahead.  Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I did not get up until 0630.

Nancy left early this morning for her swim at MVP.  After breakfast I biked to the Y via my 7 mile route.  No critters noted this morning on the ride.

This is son, Stephen’s Birthday,  HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE.  Like all our kid’s I remember vividly Steve’s birth.  It started about 0600 on a hot humid July day, not unlike today.  Nancy’s water broke and she calmly waited for me to come home from a run.  Showered and headed to Blodgett Hospital.  Steve was born in the early afternoon.

Debbie and Missy were going to fly with their Grandmother to Boston on the 19th to visited their Aunt Judy, Nancy’s sister.  Of course the trip was cancelled because of Steve’s birth.  To this day Debbie reminds Steve that their trip to Boston was postponed because of his birth.  In jest of course!  
I was working at the time for the Kent County Department of Public Works.  My job included running the County’s landfills.  I purchased a box of cigars and told the attendant to give each trash driver a cigar.  I was popular that afternoon with the local solid waste drivers.
Also passed out a box at the next Board of Public Works meeting.  Good memories!

Do Fathers still pass out cigars after the birth of a child. If not, what?

Calisthenics and walk at the Y before heading to Panera.  I am now back 100% to my summer routine.

Read some of the news, most of it is very toxic.  Discouraging to say the least.  Most folks over 60 feel the same, why can’t we get along.  The Administration has done a lot of things that I endorse but I cannot support all the personal attack and bullying our President has done.  It reflex’s poorly on the Country.  He will not get my vote.

After a shower and lunch I headed out on some errands.

Stopped at Ace Hardware and bought a mouse trap.  Our house sitter said she heard critters in the walls near her down stairs bed.

At Meijer’s I bought some sugar free oatmeal cookies and hand cream that is suppose to heal dry, cracked hands.  I sure hope so.

I did take a nap this afternoon.  No apple snack today, just forgot.  

At 1700 we headed to Shepard’s Grill.  The place was jammed.  Most of the customers were seniors.

I had a fried Lake Perch sandwich and Nancy had a bowl of soup.  I gave the Perch sandwich an A.  Love this place, Nancy is lukewarm.

Tonight we watched a new show on Netflix whose name I cannot remember.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of my favorite Belgium cop show.

We phoned Steve at 2100 and wished him a Happy Birthday.  Everything is going well.

It was still hot and humid when took Ms P out at 2200.  Tonight I slept downstairs to see if I can hear the mice in the walls.  I did not hear a thing.  At 0300 I headed back upstairs to my comfy bed.  The heat and humidity continues through the weekend.

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