Thursday, July 18, 2019

Wednesday July 17, 2018

Wednesday July 17, 2019

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out before 0500.  I did not hear her.  The alarm goes off at 0515.  Today I have Breakfast Club.

It was very humid this morning.  I closed all the windows and turned on the AC.  Left home at 0615.  

Headed downtown to the University Club.  We had about 25 members in attendance.  Good program this morning.  It was about a volunteer program, Sight Seers, that provides audio services to the blind.  The service was started in GR decades ago and used FM radio signals.  Sight Seers provided users with a radio.  Our speaker’s volunteer job was reading the local news.  Very interesting.

Headed straight home.  Changed into bike clothes and took a six mile route to Panera.  

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  I bet they will be busy.  It is now, noon, 81, but the humidity has dropped to 72.

Finished blog and read some news at Panera before heading home at 1230.  Turkey, the Squad, Immigration, the weather and POTUS’s stupid tweets dominated the news.  It is the middle of summer so who cares.

Showered before a quick lunch.  Back to normal Wednesday;  took out trash, did a load of laundry and took a nap.

I spent some time in the office doing some personal business.  

I sent Trinity Lutheran a check so they can buy bus tickets for folks without a car.  I think public transportation is very important.  Several of the nice young folks working at Panera do not have a car so they rely of public transportation.

Sent annual contribution to the Grandkid’s college fund.

Mary Hughes, my 2nd cousin, just became Vicar of a small Lutheran church in Gowen, MI.  Congratulations Mary.  Mary received a partial scholarship for her Divinity studies from Trinity Lutheran.  I made a contribution to their scholarship fund.

We had a light dinner, followed by our evening snacks.  Watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Apple TV.  We watched an episode of Scott & Bailey.  The show is becoming very grim.

Nancy headed to bed and I watched my favorite Belgium cop show on Netflix.  
Took Ms P out at 2200.  It was still hot and humid so I left the AC on.

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