Monday, July 15, 2019

Thursday July 11, 2019

Thursday July 11, 2019

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy and Ms P got up early this morning, 0515.  I got up at 0530 and emptied the dishwasher and headed back to bed.  Slept in until 0700.

No swim for Nancy this morning.  AJ is going out to breakfast with Kathi Kothe.

Tomorrow we are taking the train to Chicago.  We have to leave home at 0500.  Will spent the weekend in Chicago and come home on the Sunday train.  Missy will be in Chicago this weekend and will take AJ home to LA also on Sunday.

Nancy was texting our house sitter this morning about Ms P’s meds and how to use the AC.  We are lucky to have a house sitter who is reliable and likes Ms P.

It was hot and humid all day.  Temps in 80s.

This and that:

The Fed Chairman blinks and the stock markets goes up or down.  Yesterday it went up.

The UK Ambassador who wrote his honest assessment of POTUS gets fired.  Good grief, good management always wants honest assessments.

US House wants to investigate the Sec of Labor because as a Prosecutor he sent a sex offender to jail.  Forget these witch hunts and do the People’s business.  My generation is so sick of the antics of elected officials.

The first hurricane of the season is bearing down on Louisiana.  Folks in the south must think they are cursed by the weather gods.  It seems to never end.

UK Navy ship turns back Iranian navy vessels trying to harass large tanker in Persian Gulf.  Yes folks HMS ships still are a formidable force.  Great news.

At home shaved and showered before lunch.  

Rest of days activities:

Trip to Costco to get lotion, wine and cheese.

Finished packing and loaded the car.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner, perfect.

Watch some TV before heading to bed.      

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