Monday, July 22, 2019

Sunday July 21, 2019

Weekend Update for WE 21Jul19

Blog started at 1430 on 20Jul sitting in living room.

Saturday July 20;  we had a big electrical storm blow through last night.  Nancy who slept downstairs did not hear the storm or the mice in the walls.

I took Ms P out at 0500.  The temperature had dropped to 74.  Nancy slept in until 0730.  She said it was her best sleep in ages.

This morning we walked to Panera.  We noted some of the storm damage.  A tree had blown across the path and many branches littered the path and road.

I had my usual oatmeal with banana, bagel with PB and coffee this morning.  Nancy had just a coffee.

The sun was beginning to warm things up when we left Panera.  Temp will reach 90 early today until a late afternoon rain will cool things off.

As soon as we got home Nancy headed to Sam’s Club to get some soft cheese.  No luck Sam’s Club was closed, no electricity, because of last night’s storm.

Nancy started the laundry and I changed into my bike riding clothes and headed out.  Want to finish the ride before the heat gets too bad.  Today I took an easy 10 miles ride.  Along the bike route I noted the damage from last night’s storm.  Three traffic signals were out.  Four large trees fell across the path and noted several electrical wires down.

This and that:

Both our CO alarm and WiFi modem need replacement.  The Security firm is coming Monday and the modem will be replaced soon by our Computer Guru.

The Iranian Navy seized a UK tanker in the Persian Gulf.  The Iranian move was in retaliation for the UK seizing a Iran ship near Gibraltar.

Took a short nap but forgot to prepare apple snack.  That has been happening a lot lately.

For dinner we headed to JT’s Pizza.  We split a medium pineapple ham pizza.  I also had a beer.  It hit the spot.  

My stomach must have shrunk because 10 years ago I would never share a medium pizza.  Today Nancy and I shared and we took two pieces home.

I did read Peggy Noonan’s Op-ed in the WSJ.  She hit the spot.  I usually agree with everything she writes.

Watched some shows on Apple TV before turning in.  The heat wave is over but I still kept the AC on.
Sunday June 21

Nancy slept downstairs last night.  No critter noice so we assume the noice our house sitter heard was outside, not inside.

We started on our Sunday walk when it started to rain.  Walk cancelled.

At 0840 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  First time for Nancy in over a month.  As you might expect not a big crowd at Church.  July is a big family vacation month.

One item of interest was that during the standard weekly prayer another Lutheran Church in our area is mentioned.

This week it was Settlement Lutheran in Gowan, Mi.  Gowan in Montcalm County is about 45 miles from GR.  My second cousin Mary Hughes started as the Vicar of Settlement Lutheran today.  We were proud.

Made a short stop at Meijer’s.  Gas today was $2.75.

Home and then we headed to Trader Joe’s for baguette, wine, dog food and frozen dinners.  Also stopped at Sam’s Club for soft cheese.  The power at Sam’s Club had just come on and the extended outage had ruined the cheese.  We left empty handed.

Debbie FaceTimed this afternoon.  First time we had talked in ages.  We got caught up.  Always like FaceTime with kids.

Took a short walk before lunch.  Lunch, nap and apple snack this afternoon.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs with bacon.  Also had a piece of last night’s pizza.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murder followed by Keeping Faith on Acorn.  Turned off AC before bed.  Heat wave is over!

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