Monday, July 15, 2019

Sunday July 14, 2019

Weekend Update for July 13, 14

Blog being written on July 15, 1140 at Panera

Saturday July 13, 2019

I was first up at 0600.  Dressed and headed downstairs to breakfast.  Breakfast was delayed about 30 minutes because of an emergency.  Actually the cook over slept.

I was soon joined by Nancy.  I had my standard complimentary breakfast fare, oatmeal, rolls, banana and coffee.  Missy and AJ joined us later.

This morning Missy is working at an event at McCormick Place.  Various displays of outdoor equipment and accessories are on view.  The event is sponsored by Outdoor Magazine.  Kayaks, bikes, climbing gear, camping supplies and footwear are on display.  Also booths for sunscreens, vitamins, sports drinks and other health products.  Missy is working with a manufacturer of athletic wear that enhances good posture and performance.

Missy left for McCormick Place.  Nancy, AJ and I took a Lyft ride to the Shedd Aquarium.  For the second time this week I was able to get a discount because I was a Veteran.  Luckily I had my discard card in my billfold.  I had used the card earlier at Russ’s.

We got to the Aquarium at the right time because no waiting.  20 minutes later the wait was near an hour.  We all liked the Aquarium especially the Dolphin show.

After the Aquarium we took a Lyft to McCormick Place.  We walked around the event and looked at all the booths.  I even bought a tube of organic face lotion with sunscreen.  Good show for the outdoor crowd.  Stopped by Missy’s booth, she was selling an older lady a sports bra.  Nancy and I told Missy that the company should include marketing their product to seniors, especially women.

Left AJ with Missy and headed back to the hotel.  AJ and Missy txt us and said they were having dinner at the show.  Nancy and I walked to Sweetwater on Michigan Avenue.  We sat outside and enjoyed a nice relaxing dinner.

Sunday July 14, 2019

Up at 0600 and headed down to breakfast.  Nancy joined me later.  Missy and AJ slept in.

We all hung around until about 1030 when AJ and Missy took their bags and headed to McCormick Place.  Missy will work until the show ends at 1700 and then head to the airport for the flight to LA.

This afternoon Nancy and I took the Architectural River Cruise on the Chicago River.  Once again I used my Veteran card to get a discount.  It was a great cruise and I learned a lot.

Arrived the Union Station several hours before our departure time of 1830.  The train left on time and once again every car was full.

We arrived in GR at midnight.  At home unpacked and did not get to bed until 0130.  Quite a weekend.  We both like Chicago.

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