Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Tuesday July 23, 2019

Tuesday July 23, 2019

Nancy took Ms P out at 0500.  We sure wish Ms P would sleep later.

Nice and cool this morning, 57.  Nancy headed out for her Tuesday swim.  After the swim she is meeting with her blood doctor.  This is a final check to make sure her infection has healed.

After breakfast I biked to the Y.  Took the seven mile route.  I like this route because it is relatively flat.  

I did see one very big turkey in the middle of the bike path.  By the time I got out my camera he had walked away.  Bummer!  

Noted several utility crews working restoring cable and electric lines.  I can not get over the size of trees that were blown over by the recent storm.  Some had trunk diameters over 24”.

This and that:

Finally the UK has a new PM Boris Johnson.

The protests continue in Puerto Rico.  Is the government as incompetent as the protesters claim?  

Hong Kong protests also continue.  I agree with the protesters.  Mainland China’s dictator wants to take control of everything.  Freedom is a lost privilege in China.

POTUS and Legislators have reached a debt ceiling agreement, but at what price?  We are spending our way into the poor house.  This was my Grandmother Hughes’ favorite saying.  She was very conservative.  Slightly to the right of Attila the Hun.

At home showered and then lunch.  Nancy said the blood Doctor gave her a clean bill of health.

This afternoon:

Got car washed at Breton Village.

Bought a chambray shirt at Orvis.  Same as chambray shirts we were issued at Navy OCS in 1961.

At Costco bought two 1.5 liter bottles of red wine.  Cheaper than Two Buck Chuck.

Took a nap.

Fixed apple snack.

For dinner we had the last of the pot roast.  It was as good as first time.  

Fixed cookie, cheese/pill snack.  Walked to mail box.

After Jeopardy we watched switched to Apple TV.  Watched Wycliffe.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the Belgium Cop show.  Weird but good.

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