Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Tuesday July 9, 2019

Tuesday July 9, 2019

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0550.  I got up at 0630.  Looks like another nice sunny day.  Temp at 0800 was 59 but should reach 85 later.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim at MVP.   No big plans for today.  We might go to the Meijer’s free concert this evening.

At 0800 I got on bike and headed to the Y.  The only critters I saw this morning was a small flock of Turkeys.

The Y was nearly empty this morning.  Calisthenics and a short walk before heading to Panera.  Panera was also empty.  

We have a CO monitor connected to our alarm system.  The monitor needs to be replaced.  I called the alarm company and they will replace the monitor in two weeks.  Think they will reduce our bill?  

Speaking of poor performing equipment our WiFi system goes off line at least once a day.  I have to unplug the system for a minute and then system comes back on.  

We have Direct TV and for the past week we can not get NBC.  Direct TV and NBC are having a pay dispute.  Will our bill be reduced?

This and that;

Ross Perot passed today.  Perot ran for President twice.  He had a hard core following but I was not part of it.  His run for President in 1992 got Bill Clinton elected.

When will the U.K. get around to getting a new PM.  Is BRexit dead?

No earthquake stories today.

As soon as I got home I jumped in the Escape and made a dry run to the Amtrak station.  Good move because of all the road construction it was hard to find.  We are taking Amtrak later this week and finding the station at 0500 would have been difficult.

Activities for rest of day;

Showered and then lunch.

Ran errands, laundry and bank.

Nancy bought subway sandwiches for me and AJ.

Left home at 1800 and headed to Meijer’s for their free Tuesday night concert.

Bought a beer and AJ and I ate our subway sandwiches.

Two groups are playing tonight.  We sat through the first and then headed home.

Watched some of the baseball All Star game before turning in.  


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