Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Monday July 8, 2019

Monday July 8, 2019

Blog time 0955 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I did not get up until 0645.

Nancy headed out early to MVP.  She really likes the MWF healthy lifestyles class.  She is fully recovered from her recent surgery.

Today I did all my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then took my normal morning ride except no stop at Y.  The temperature was in the high 50s for my ride.  Perfect bike riding temp.

Finished yesterday’s blog and read some headlines before heading home.  Today at 1100 we are going to the Holland State Park on Lake Michigan.  Walk the beach and maybe swim.  Stay Tuned!

Arrived home at 1030.  Quick lunch and then we headed to the Holland Beach.  It was sunny and 79 when we got to beach.  The parking lot was nearly full as was the beach.  

The high water makes walking the beach difficult.  I did manage a hour walk.  Bought AJ a chocolate cones and Nancy a drink.  The prices at the concession stand were reasonable.  No one went swimming.

At home I showered and took a short nap.  For dinner tonight we headed to Russ’s.  On Monday’s during July veterans get a 20% discount.  Noted a lot of old men eating and we assumed they were veterans.

Tonight we watched some Apple TV before heading to bed.  Another beautiful summer’s day.  Warm and sunny but no need for AC.

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