Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Tuesday July 16, 2019

Tuesday July 16, 2019

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Warm and humid this morning.  Nancy took Ms P out before 0600.  I slept in until 0630.

A sure sign we are back to normal.  Nancy left early for a swim at MVP.  After breakfast I biked to the Y on my summer 7 mile route.

Summer kids programs at the Y are going full blast.  Noted a lot of participants.  They all looked happy.

Calisthenics and a walk before heading to Panera.  Despite all the complaints by patrons Panera is still cold.  I now bring a extra shirt.

This and that:

The Dems were in a big internal fight between their establishment and four new Congresswomen.  Our President, in a classic dumb move, twitters that the Congresswomen should “go back to where they came from”.  Now the Dems are united in calling the President a racist.  Not many folks can defend the President’s actions.  

Turkey is buying a Russian missile defense system.  Turkey is a NATO member and this purchase should be against NATO’s policies.  The US is not going to sell Turkey the new jet fighter but what is NATO going to do?

A lot of news on the 50th Anniversary of our moon landing.  I remember watching the landing on our old Admiral TV with rabbit ears.  A proud moment for the USA.

Lawmaker are up in arms over Facebook’s idea to sell crypto currency.  I still don’t know how bitcoins work.  

Once again I did not get home until 1300.  Shaved and showered before lunch.  

This afternoon I spend several hours in the office reading accumulated mail and checking finances.  When done my inbox was empty and the wastebasket full.

Took a nap followed by our apple snack.  At 1600 we picked up our old neighbor, Sonya and headed to the monthly dinner of neighbors at NOTOs.

About 25 neighbors were in attendance.  We had a good time talking, drinking and eating.  

Arrived home at 2100 and Nancy headed to bed.  I started looking at a Belgium Police show but fell asleep.  

Turned off the AC before turning in.  Big Mistake.  The house was hot and humid.   

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