Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Monday July 15, 2019

Monday July 15, 2019

Blog time 1230 at Panera.

Up at 0600 and took Ms P out.  Then headed back to bed and slept until 0730.  

Looks like another hot humid day.  No MVP for Nancy today.  She headed out early for some shopping.

I did some light calisthenics at home and then breakfast.  No Y today.  I took a short 5 mile ride to Panera.

Spent some time finishing this weekend’s blog.  Did not have time to read any news.  Is there any worthwhile news?

Yesterday I wrote about our enjoyable train trip to Chicago.  I remember my first train ride.  It all started as a challenge.  It was 1960 and my whining fraternity brothers said it was impossible to find a summer job.  I said Bull.  

To prove my point I wrote a letter to several State Highway Departments telling them I was looking for a summer job.  Vermont replied within several weeks.  I accepted the job.  I had no car and not much money so I planned to hitch hike as soon as exams were over.

The day after exams were over I was packing when a friend came in and invited me to join him at a Detroit Horse track.  I had never been to the races so I joined him.  I placed several $2 bets with no luck.  Just before the last race my fraternity brother took $2 from me and bet it on a horse called “Will of Allah”.  It was a long shot.  Surprise! the horse won.  My take was $35.

Next day instead of hitch hiking I bought a train ticket to Albany, NY.  My first time on a train.  I sat in the club car drinking beer thinking I was Joe Cool.  From Albany I took a bus to Montpelier, VT.  Great memories.

I left Panera at 1245.  At home I shaved my head and face before showering.

After lunch Nancy and I drove to Kohl’s.  I bought undershorts and pants.  I used Nancy’s membership and got 30% off.  Nancy left empty handed.

Nancy spent time this afternoon doing the laundry.  I spent time moving back to our den.  AJ during her stay had commandeered the den as her room and we moved to the living room.  We  also moved the inflatable mattress and other items down to our storage room.

Later, I took a short nap followed by our apple snack.  Walked to mailbox to post a letter.

Light dinner followed by our pill snack.  After Jeopardy we FaceTimed Debbie.  First time we have talked in a month.  We got caught up.  Later, we watched the first episode of the second season of London Kills.  We gave it a B. 
It was still hot, 75, and humid when took Ms P out at 2200.  Left AC on all night.

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