Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Tuesday April 30, 2019

Tuesday April 30, 2019
Blog time 1130 at Panera

I got up on my own this morning at 0610.  It was just starting to get light.  I think this is the reason I am getting up earlier.  We now have over 14 hours of daylight.

Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.  After breakfast I headed out to the Y.  It was foggy and 42.  Noted that with the recent rains every pothole was water filled.  Is the wet ground keeping the critters away.

Calisthenics and a walk at the Y.  I noted today an Amish man and wife were at the Y for some physical therapy.  The man was riding in an electric wheel chair.  Did he need a special dispensation to use an electric powered chair?

As soon as I got to Panera I got a message from Nancy saying not to hurry home because the power is out.  Fourth time in less than a week.

This and that;

POTUS’s immigration policy continues to make no sense.  We need immigrants.

Will Venezuela’s citizens every get ride of the current President?  He has destroyed the country.

Trump’s family is suing Deutsche Bank.  They don’t want their financial dealings with the bank revealed to a House committee.  How will this data serve the public good?

Boeing has  major problems with the 737 Max.  Even if the plane is finally considered safe will folks fly on it?  I would have some reservations.

Joe Biden just announces and already the knives are out.  Many years ago Senator Biden was friends with fellow Democratic Senator Strom Thurmond.  Thurmond was against most civil rights legislation.  According to current thinking that makes Biden a racist.  I think Biden is the only Dem who could beat President Trump.

I did not get home until 1300.  With no power, no hot water and no shower.  Lunch and then I took a 2 mile walk waiting for power.

Power finally came on at 1500.  I shaved and showered.

Fixed our afternoon apple snack.
Took a long nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed bean soup, also finished left over pizza.  Nourishing meal.

It started raining around 1800 and the folks say the rain will continue until tomorrow afternoon.  Last year we had a crack in our basement wall sealed.  With the ground super saturated I hope it holds.  Must check tomorrow.

 After dinner and snacks, we watched Jeopardy and the streak continued.  Watched NCIS and then White Dragon before heading to bed.  Still raining when we went to bed.


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