Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Monday May 20, 2019

Monday May 20, 2019

Blog time 1135 sitting in living room

Today is blog #3275.  Longest I have ever stuck with a project.  My first blog was June 19, 2008.  Missy gave me the blog as a Father’s Day gift.

Nancy took Ms P out at 0615.  She said it was cool, 48, and windy.  Nancy headed out to her 0730 class at MVP.

After breakfast I took Ms P out and checked the wind and weather.  Decided too cool for knickers today.

The ride to the Y was challenging.  Most of the time I rode into the 17mph wind.

Monday so I expected a large crowd.  Not the case.  Nancy said the same about the crowd at MVP.  Maybe with the nicer weather folks have moved their exercise routine outside?

I bypassed Panera today and headed straight home.  Nancy and I are making our annual trip to Countryside Greenhouse in Allendale to buy hanging baskets and garden plants.  

At home I checked my messages.  Nancy was at the Doctor’s office.  Her cold has been bothering her so this morning she made an appointment to see a PA.  Her appointment was at 1030 and she was home at 1130.
We headed straight to Countryside.  The place is huge but Nancy knew what she wanted.  Instead of walking miles we headed right to the desired section.  Spent about an hour inside.  Purchased four hanging baskets and eight garden plants.  Arrived home at 1400.

Lunch and then a short nap.  After the nap we headed to Costco to pick up Nancy’s cold medicine.  Also bought wine, paper products, dental floss and cheese.

Fixed apple snack before dinner.  It being Monday we had Cheerios for dinner.

Evening activities:

Cheese and cookies snacks.
Took a short walk.
Watched the news and Jeopardy.  The Jeopardy streak continues.
Watched Wycliffe on Acorn.
Nancy headed to bed.

I watched another episode of Black Widows.

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