Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tuesday May 28, 2019

Tuesday May 28, 2019

Blog time 1050 at Panera

We all got up at 0600 today.  Nancy took Ms P out.  It was very humid with temp in low 60s.  

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  I did my entire calisthenics routine at home.  I am still wobbly so I did the routine at 50%.

Breakfast and then took the five mile bike route to Panera.  Had no problem riding the bike.  

This and that;

POTUS continues to embarrass citizens by insulting opponents.  His remarks about Joe Biden were uncalled for.  

The weather continues to dominate the news.  The flooding in the Plains is unbelievable.  

In our area the farmers are having trouble planting because the ground is saturated and cannot support tractors.

I think the high humidity contributes to my wobbly problem.

You know it is spring because I see a lot of recently hatched birds, especially geese.  We have a Blue Jay nest on our deck’s floor beam.  Hope to see a chick soon.

This afternoon I have a Dentist appointment.  Left Panera early.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  Looked out window and saw several big turkeys in the back yard.  I also think we have a fox living near the yard.

Arrived early at Dentist.  Read several issues of People before my appointment.  You know you are old when unfamiliar with any of the folks in the magazine.  It is a nothing magazine.

Today they just cleaned my teeth.  Dr Lambert checked me out and said see you in 6 months.

Activities today;

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home and bought some grooming items.

Fixed afternoon apple snacks.

Took a nap.

Nancy fixed me a hamburg for dinner, also a potato and sliced tomatoes. The burger tasted great.
Fixed after dinner snacks.

Took a mile walk.

Watched Jeopardy.  The streak continues.

Watched NCIS and Bosch before turning in.  

Light rain when I took Ms P out.  Heavier rain predicted for later tonight.

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