Friday, May 17, 2019

Thursday May 16, 2019

Thursday May 16, 2019

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Slept in until 0630.  Nancy was already up.  She took Ms P out and reported it was going to be a great morning.

Nancy’s cold prevented her from swimming this morning.  She has a 1030 appointment with our Dentist.

After breakfast I put on my knickers and headed out.  Sunny with temps in low 50s.  Perfect.

30 minutes of calisthenics and walking at Y before heading to Panera.  Finished yesterdays blog  and checked email before starting to read the news.

This and that:

The Mayor of New York City has now entered the Presidential race.  Won’t get my vote.

The new abortion law in Alabama dominates the news.

Many young men just entering the USA joined the US Military because it was a great path to citizenship.  No more, POTUS has changed the rules.  Very bad move POTUS!

The birth rate in USA is the lowest in decades.  Not a good sign.  This is another reason to allow more immigration.

As soon as I got home I changed into my work clothes.  I spent several hours spreading mulch.  Spread five bags and tomorrow I will spread the final three.

Lunch followed by a shower.  Drove Nancy to Costco so she can pick up a prescription.  We also bought mini naan and fiber.

This afternoon:

Fixed our apple snack.

I balanced my check book.

Paid several bills.

One of the bills I paid was a renewal for my California Professional Engineer license.  You never know we might move to Ca and need a job to pay for the high living costs.

Who would hire an eighty one year old?

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner we drove to Russ’s.  Nancy had a bowl of chicken rice soup and I had a hot turkey sandwich.  Love this sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy on white bread.  Just like Mother made.

Took Ms P out when we got home.  After doing her bidness she bolted up the porch steps wanting to get inside. She expected Nancy had brought a treat.  As soon as she got inside she had a seizure.  The exertion of climbing stairs probably triggered the seizure.  Normally we carry her up the steps.  Lesson learned!

After the news we watched an episode of Father Brown.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched a Swedish crime show with English subtitles.

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