Thursday, May 2, 2019

Wednesday May 1, 2019

Wednesday May 1, 2019

Blog time 1010 at Panera.

Pouring rain this morning when Nancy took Ms P out.  Nancy has an early class, 0730, at MVP this morning.  This afternoon she works at the Garden.

Today is my easy day.  No bike ride this morning because of the heavy rain.   Today is also May Day, a big day for commies.

I did some light calisthenics this morning before driving to Panera.  I had my standard oatmeal breakfast.

The recent power outages has screwed up our phone, especially the answering system.  This morning I saw Nancy on her iPad and asked what she was doing.  She said she had called up the manual for our phone system.  She found out how to get the answering system working.  She made some adjustments and sure enough it was working.  I was very impressed with my tech savvy wife.

Speaking of education Missy sent us a copy of AJ’s math assignment.  I thought it was kind of advanced for an eleven year old, but no problem for AJ.  The LA public school has a bad reputation but they must be doing something right.

This and that;

Nancy just called and our power is out again.

AG Barr will be on the hot seat today when he meets with Senate Committee.  Apparently Special Consul Mueller disagrees with the AG’s interpretation of his report.  Maybe Mueller should have written a better report.

The situation in Venezuela is getting very serious.  Are Russia and Cuba getting the best of the USA?

I hope POTUS and the Dems can get their announced infrastructure package passed.

I get furious when I read about greedy drug companies raising a drug’s cost astronomically.  This is capitalism’s worst crime and will lead to the GOP’S demise.

Big legislative issue in Michigan is should school districts be given a pass for school days lost during last winter’s polar vortex.  Another issue for local governments is the licensing of recreational marijuana stores within a community.

I left Panera at 1230 and it was still raining.  Nancy had already left for the Gardens.  The power was not on so I decided to run errands.

First stop Meijer’s to get sugar free oatmeal cookies, my favorite snack.  Also bought triscuit crackers and dental floss.

Stopped at Fox Ford to have them check out the Escape after my parking lot crash.  Body shop mechanic checked and except for some lost paint no structural damage.

At Costco I purchased sandwich thins and dried prunes.  I had frozen yogurt for lunch.  Love Costco’s frozen vanilla yogurt.  A lot of sugar but who cares once in a while.

Finally I stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.  Also replenished my supply of $2 bills.

Got home at 1530 and still no power.  I took a nap.

After the nap the rain had stopped so I took a short bike ride.

Power came on at 1700.  First duty was to reset clocks.  The power outage totally knocked out our alarm system.

Light dinner followed my cheese and pill snack and a short walk.  The Jeopardy streak continues.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders before turning in.


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