Thursday, May 30, 2019

Wednesday May 29, 2019

Wednesday May 29, 2019

Blog time 0950 sitting at Panera

We had heavy rain most of the night.  We are now sleeping with the bedroom door open and can hear every drop.  The open door lets us hear the birds chirping.

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said it was not raining but very humid.

Today is my easy day.  I pedaled my short 5 mile route to Panera.  Had standard oatmeal breakfast.  

I have an 1140 appointment with my Dermatologist.  They are going to put liquid nitrogen on the two spot they recently tested.

Weather, weather dominates the news.  The Mississippi is reaching record levels.

Did you know GR now has over 15h of daylight.  Edinburgh, Scotland has over 17h.  The LA area has 13h 47’.  Why am I writing this?

Left Panera at 1015.  At home showered and headed out at 1100 for my Doctor’s appointment.

Dr Yurko sprayed liquid nitrogen on the two spots that she had tested.  She also found three more spots that required liquid nitrogen.  Is this the curse of the blue-eyed fair skinned folks?

Quick lunch as soon as I got home.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Normally, Wednesday afternoon I take out the trash but  Monday was a holiday so pickup is a day later. Upset my routine.  Old folks love a routine.

I did a load of laundry and took a nap.

Spent two hours at my desk reading email, paying bills and checking financials.

Good grief!  Today I forgot our afternoon apple snack.

Light dinner and after I fixed our evening snacks.

Took a short walk.

Watched Jeopardy and the streak continue.

We watched a new British crime show followed by an episode of Fallet. 

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