Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Tuesday May 21, 2019

Tuesday May 21, 2019

Blog time 1050 at Panera

Up early this morning, 0555, but Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  It was cool, 38, but no wind.

Nancy has a busy day.  She left early for her Tuesday swim.  She promised that she would take it easy.  No more than 15 laps.  Nancy also has a lunch today with fellow volunteers from the Gardens.  For dinner we are going to Noto’s for our monthly dinner with fellow Centennial Park neighbors.

After breakfast I headed out to the Y.  Despite the temp being 39 the absence of wind made the ride pleasant.

Calisthenics and a 0.6 mile walk.  This routine takes 30 minutes.  Pedaled to Panera for coffee and some newspaper reading.

This and that:

Tornado season is in full swing.  We had several touch down in West Michigan.

Judge supports the US House subpoena for the President’s financial records.  Of course POTUS will repeal.  Why don’t all these clowns just get an infrastructure package passed?
We now have 14h52’ of day light.

The Russians are trying to create racial tensions in the USA by planting false stories on social media.  Why can’t the smart guys in the USA intelligence community stop this?

Lunch and then I started on my project to get rabbits and chipmunks from living under our kitchen deck.  Removed a board from the deck to get a good look.  I could not find any nests. 

It is too much of a chore to remove all the deck boards so I decided to buy some liquid anti critter spray.  The gap between the boards is large enough to get a spray nozzle between them.  Squirt spray between the boards and the critters will go away.  At least that is my plan.

Headed to ACE Hardware to see if they had what I wanted.  They did, I found the perfect spray bottle of anti critter juice.

Almost emptied the bottle spraying between the boards.  Now I just have to wait to see if my plan works.  I am sure Nancy will let me know.

Rest of afternoon I;

Shaved and showered.
Took a nap
Fixed our apple snack.

At 1800 we drove to NOTO’s for our neighborhood dinners.  38 neighbors were in attendance.  Good food and conversation.

We watched an episode of Wycliffe before turning in.  Rain will start early tomorrow and we might reach 80 degrees tomorrow.   

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