Friday, May 24, 2019

Thursday May 23, 2019

Thursday May 23, 2019

Blog time 1100 at Panera

It was warm, 67, and raining when Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I got up at 0625.

My super duper iPhone weather app said the rain would stop at 0830.  I decided to do my entire exercise routine at home.  I assumed by the time I finish breakfast the rain should have stopped.

The app was right the rain had stopped when I headed out this morning.  I rode my normal bike route this morning.  I just did not stop at the Y.  

Nancy and I are going to Tanger’s Discount Mall this afternoon.  I cut short my reading time at Panera.

Quick shower and lunch before going to Tanger’s.  The Mall was not very busy.  Nancy and I headed in separate directions.  We agreed to meet back at the car in 90 minutes.

I am still looking for an unlined bare bones blazer to wear this summer.  My first stop was J. Crew and I found one that met my criteria except that the color, light blue, might not work with khaki and navy chinos.  So I looked in several stores including Brooks Brothers but no luck.  As I was heading back to the car I encountered Nancy.  We returned to J. Crew so she could see the blazer.  Her comments were, it was a summer only blazer but it was suitable for both khaki and navy.  I bought it.

My mission was accomplished but Nancy came up emptied handed.  On way home stopped at Meijer’s to pick up prescription and then Aldo’s to get salad mix.

At home:

Fixed apple snack.
Paid several bills and walked to mail box.
Took a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy nuked a chicken pot pie we purchased at Trader Joe’s.  We also had a salad.


Cheese and pill snack for Nancy.

I finished the great Rhubarb sauce that Nancy had prepared.

Watched the news and Jeopardy.  The streak continues.

We both watched Grantchester.

I finished the evening watching Black Widows.

Tonight I noted that I had some balance problems when walking.  This condition occurs about once a year.  I think it is a sinus infection.  The infection is over my left eye and I cannot feel it because of the nerve damage from the shingles.  Tomorrow I will call my ENT doctor and get an antibiotic.

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