Saturday, May 18, 2019

Friday May 17, 2019

Friday May 17, 2019

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Nancy once again was up before me.  She had already taken Ms P out and feed her before I got up.  This morning for the first time this week she is going to MVP.  She thinks her cold is better.  I think she just has cabin fever.  This evening we are going to an event at the GR Art Museum.

Breakfast and then headed out on my 7 mile ride to the Y.  It was a mild 58 when I left home.  Perfect for a ride.  Saw several turkeys.

Friday so I expected a large crowd at the Y.  Not the case.  Maybe folks run out of gas by Friday.  I sure did.  It was a chore doing my routine.

Read the news but it was a rehash of old stories:

BRexit and PM May are going down the tubes.

POTUS says he doesn’t want war with Iran.

The House keeps issuing subpoenas for Administration folks to testify about Mueller report with no luck.

Turkey is buying Russian air defense missiles but still wants to buy US made Jets.  Who’s side are they on.

The China trade talks are on and then off.  Who is in charge?

The stock market goes down and then up.  Confused?

Kim was just finishing cleaning when I got home.   House looks nice.

Before lunch I spread three bags of mulch but still needed one more bag.  Lunch and then drove to Lowe’s and bought a bag.  Spread the bag and my annual mulch chore is now complete.  Courtyard look good.

Fixed apple snack.
Showered and shaved.
Took a short nap.

Nancy fixed hot dogs for dinner.  At 1830 we headed downtown to the GR Art Museum.  We were surprised that the Museum was jammed.  Largest crowd we have seen for an exhibit.  The artist was Maya Lin.  We both liked her work.

Usually when we attend events we do not know many other attendees.  Tonight was the exception.  We ran across old work colleagues, Y members,  Breakfast Club members, Meijer Garden volunteers, Hospital Guild members and old Ottawa Hills neighbors.  This made for a very enjoyable evening.

At home we watched an episode of No Offense before turning in.  Heavy rain expected for tonight. 

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