Thursday, May 23, 2019

Wednesday May 22, 2019

Wednesday May 22, 2019

Blog time 1110 sitting in the Starbucks at D&W

Up with the alarm at 0515.  Today is Breakfast Club.  Took Ms P out.  It was raining and 50.

We had 26 members at BC.  Today’s topic was an explanation of the Breakfast Club’s new web site.  Great to have the web site but the topic was boring.

Stopped at the Y to do my Wednesday routine which included a mile walk.  This afternoon I have to drive Nancy and another volunteer to the Gardens.  Apparently over 500 folks are attending an all day meeting.  Parking is limited.

I did stop at D&W to get a banana and coffee at Starbucks.  Finished yesterday’s blog and checked email.

Today at BC the gentleman who sat next to me told me he was 92.  We were talking about the upcoming 75th Anniversary of D day.  He was in the Army.  Sharp as a tack.

At the Y I talked to two gentlemen who had just completed a water aerobics class.  One gentleman will be 92 tomorrow and the other was only 91.  Both appeared of sound mind and body.  Great inspiration. Old Guys Rock!

Got home at 1130. Had a quick snack before driving Nancy and her coworker to the Gardens.  Good idea to have me drive because the parking lots were full.  

At home I finished lunch, picked up the trash and took to the curb.  Started a load of laundry before taking my nap.

Left home at 1545 and headed to the Gardens.  Nancy and her coworker, Mary, were just finishing their shift when I arrived.

Fixed our apple snack before starting our early dinner.  This evening we are attending the last of 24 lectures on “Searching for the Historical Jesus”.   

Only seven folks were in attendance.  Started the class with over 20.  I am glad we finished the lectures.  It was very informative.

Nancy had recorded Tuesday’s NCIS.  We watched it before Nancy headed to bed.  I watched another episode of Black Widows.

More rain expected tonight.  Despite all the rain it is warming up.  High temps for the next week will be in 70s.

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