Sunday, May 26, 2019

Saturday May 25, 2019

Saturday May 25, 2019

Blog time 0945 sitting in living room.

Boy did it rain last night.  We had several large thunderstorms roll through.

We were both up before 0630.  Nancy decided since it was a holiday she wanted eggs and a biscuit, especially the biscuit.

I am still wobbly so Nancy drove to Bob Evans.  I had their oatmeal with toast and Nancy had her biscuit and egg.

After breakfast we headed home to pick up Ms P and then headed out to run errands.  First stop, dry cleaners for pants that Nancy had cleaned.  Next we stopped at Trader Joe’s.  We purchased dog food, frozen dinners and three bottles of wine.

Memorial Day in my youth was May 30.  If Memorial Day fell on a school day we got the day off.  It wasn’t until 1970 that the date was changed to the last Monday in May.

On this date in 1966 Bob and Nancy were living in a large apartment complex on Woodside Road in Redwood City, CA.  I had worked almost every weekend for several months so I was looking forward to a long weekend.  About 0600 the alarm goes off.  I yelled at Nancy to turn off the dam alarm.  It wasn’t our alarm clock but the complex’s fire alarm.  Nancy grabbed Debbie and headed out.  I started out but I forgot my cigarettes so I returned.  Stupid move Bob.

All the residents gathered in the courtyard still in their night clothes.  I think Nancy and I were the only resident with a child.  Most residents were single.  

We were first in the courtyard and as we watched folks coming down noted a number of singles who had not slept in their own apartment.  Scandalous!

Talking to residents I mentioned that I was glad I had a renters insurance policy that covers fire damage.  Most had never heard of this kind of policy.  I am sure a lot of folks called their insurance agent after the holiday.  We were lucky no damage to our unit.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  While Nancy was working I spent time finishing yesterday’s blog and reading the papers.

Nothing but doom and gloom in the papers.

PM May had to resign.  Who knows what happens to BRexit?

House Democrats are fighting among themselves on whether to impeach the President.  They continue to subpoena the President for his financial statements.

Of course the President continues to damage the prestige of the Presidency with his name calling and rude behavior.

POTUS and the Dems have given up on an infrastructure package.  This is criminal.

Quick lunch and then a nap.

Fixed our apple snack.

Staying home tonight.  Nancy is fixing clam chowder for dinner.

This evening:

Cheese snack for Nancy and cookies for Bob.

Watched an episode of Call the MidWifes.

I stayed up and watched Black Widow.

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