Thursday, May 9, 2019

Wednesday May 8, 2019

Wednesday May 8, 2019

Blog time 1115 at Panera

The alarm got me up at 0515.  Today is Breakfast Club.  Dressed and took Ms P out before heading to BC.  The sun was out at 0624 so my drive downtown was in bright sun.  Good feeling.

Good turnout today.  As always the food was good, scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon, blueberry pancakes and fruit.  

Today’s speaker was the newly hired full time Director for the June Art’s Festival.  He gave a very good talk.

After BC I drove to the Y for calisthenics and a walk.  On my way to Panera I stopped at Meijer’s and bought toothpaste and bandages.

Like yesterday I have to cut my time at Panera short because I have a 1300 appointment with my ENT, Dr Sprik.

Nancy attended a class at MVP this morning.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.  This evening we are attending the Spring Gala at the Gardens.  This is a fundraising event.  Busy day.

Arrived home at 1200 and had a quick lunch before heading to the Doctor’s office.  The Doctor put a spray in both nostrils.  He scoped both and said some swelling but ok.  I will go back in 6 months.

This afternoon I picked up trash and took to the curb.  Also did a load of laundry before taking a nap.

Before heading out to the Gardens I showered and shaved.  Left home at 1730.

The Gala at the Gardens was well attended.  There were many items to bid on.  Everything was electronic and connected to Nancy’s iPhone.  When she bid on an item a message would tell her if her bid was too low and if she wanted to place a bid above the current high bid.    Nancy made several bids and was always below the current high bid.  She did not resubmit her bid.

We did take a chance on a bottle of wine.  Paid $25 entry fee and given a number.  Numbers were drawn.  Our number could match a bottle valued between $15 and $300.  We hoped for the $300 bottle.  We picked our bottle as we left.  Nancy checked and our bottle had a market value of $17.50.  

Dress code for men for the event was business casual.  My interpretation is pressed slacks with collared shirt and sport coat, tie optional.  90% of men agreed.  Very few ties.

We sat at an assigned table.  Food was good, especially the dessert.  Nancy and I went wild eating the chocolate covered treats.  We did not get home until 2130.  No TV we headed straight to bed.

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