Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Monday May 6, 2019

Monday May 6, 2019

Blog time 1145 at Panera.

Nancy headed out at 0600.  She said it had rained last night but had stopped.  The temperature was 51.

Nancy still has her early 0730 class at MVP.  She bailed out at 0700.

After breakfast I decided the temperature was high enough for me to wear my knickers.  Took the 7 mile route to the Y.

Calisthenics and walk at Y before heading to Panera.  Ordered my coffee, baguette, and banana before settling down to write blog and read news.

This and that:

It has been reported that Boeing knew a year before the deadly crashes that they had a problem.  Can they ever regain the confidence of the flying public?  

I have been using my Apple Pencil and find it is ok but not great.  I don’t draw which is the pencil’s best asset.  As soon as Apple makes their operating systems for the laptop compatible with the iPad I will upgrade my laptop and get rid of the iPad.

Did you know Megan had her baby?

POTUS starts more trade troubles with China, what is his game?

Left Panera at 1215 and as soon as I got home it started to rain.  Quick lunch and then I shaved and showered.

This afternoon I drove to Lowe’s.  My purpose was to buy some Cypress mulch for our courtyard.  Lowe’s was out.

Stopped at Macatawa Bank to put an item in the lockbox.  It was raining hard when I got home.

Fixed our apple snack before taking a nap.

Ms P’s age is catching up with her.  She has difficulty walking.  However, she does not appear to be in any pain.  Her appetite is healthy.

We had a light dinner followed by Nancy’s pill and cheese snack.  I took a short walk before settling down.  Tonight we watched an episode of a new Acorn show whose name escapes me.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Serangoon Road.

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