Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Tuesday May 14, 2019

Tuesday May 14, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Slept in until nearly 0630.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  She is not feeling any better so will not go swimming.  Good Move.

Talk about a loyal dog.  Ms P must have known Nancy was not feeling well because she left her bed and slept on the floor alongside Nancy.  

Breakfast and then I headed to the Y in bright sun.  The temperature was 38.  Calisthenics and a walk at the Y before heading to Panera.

I have a 1400 Doctor’s appointment so will leave Panera early.  I did read the headlines before heading home.  

The trade war with China dominates.  On Monday the stock market tanks and on Tuesday it bounces back.  Go figure.  For the record I am a free trader.    

Tim Conway passed.  I enjoyed his comedy.  He could make me laugh.

Twenty three Democrats want to be President.  How many average citizens can name five candidates?

Got home at noon.  Quick shave and shower before lunch.  Head downtown to the Doctor’s office.  With the road construction season in full swing I had to plan my route downtown.

Dr Anderson, my Optometrist, gave me a good high tech exam.  Everything checked out ok.  

Two years ago right after my cataract surgery the Doc gave me a prescription for night time driving glasses.  Today he checked the glasses.  I needed a new prescription.  Apparently my eyes have finally fully healed since the surgery.  Good news.

At home fixed our apple snack before taking a short nap.

Nancy fixed a chicken breast with potatoes and tomatoes for dinner, tasty.  Fixed our after dinner snacks before pouring a glass of wine.

This evening we watched the news and then switched to Apple TV.  Finished the evening watching Bosch and Mystery Road.


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