Saturday, May 4, 2019

Friday May 3, 2019

Friday May 3, 2019

Blog time 1140 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  It was 44 with drizzle.

Nancy has an early, 0730, class at MVP.  After breakfast I took Ms P out.  Noted a lot of utility trucks parked in front of the house.  I asked the foreman if we were going to lose power today.  He said yes and spent some time explaining their program to replaces aging transformers in our neighborhood.  He was so nice I didn’t complain. Today should be the last day of outages.

Put on my rain suit and pedaled the 7 miles to the Y.  Glad I had on the rain suit because it was drenched when I got to the Y.  I have been complaining about the weather lately but a weather man I see at the Y said we are very close to normal for both rain and temperature.

The drizzle had stopped when I left Y so I stored my rain pants in my bike saddle.  The pants are a hassle to put on and take off.

This and that;

AG Barr’s hassles with the Dems continues.  Good grief this is embarrassing!

Today is VE Day.  WW II ended on this day in 1945.
More folks are caught paying to get their kids into college.  I just hope they remember “to be nice to people on your way up because you might meet them on your way down.

The UK news seems to have put BRexit on the back burner.  BRexit has been replaced by Megan and her baby.

Bad Weather in the USA continues through next week.  I would think all the flooding should impact agricultural output?

India is having a huge cyclone hitting its shores.  Major destruction expected.  Don’t mess with Mother Nature!

 The power came back on at noon.  I hope this is the last of these scheduled outages.

After lunch we drove to Sam’s Club so Nancy could make a return.  I then took the Taurus to D&W gas station.  Gas was $2.95.

Later this afternoon;

Fixed our apple snack.
Took a nap.
Wrote monthly note to Grandkids.

Nancy fixed beans and rice for dinner.  I had mine with fresh tomatoes and cole slaw.  Good dinner.

After dinner I fired up the dishwasher, fixed Nancy her cheese and pill snack and poured myself a glass of wine.  We watched the news and of course Jeopardy. The streak continues.

Tonight we watched an episode of Call the MidWifes followed by Bosch.  It was very mild when took Ms P out at 1030.  Nice weekend predicted.  Let’s hope.

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