Friday, May 3, 2019

Thursday May 2, 2019

Thursday May 2, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy reported it was mild when she went out at 0600.  She left early for her Tuesday swim at MVP.

After breakfast I grabbed my bike and headed to the Y.  It was 44 and foggy.  I was glad all my bike lights worked.

Every time I encounter fog I am reminded of my preschool youth.  Alpena had a fog horn at the mouth of the Thunder Bay River.  When fog rolled in from Lake Huron the fog horn would start sounding.  I would always ask mother what the sound was.  One day when the fog horn was blaring my mother got me dressed and we walked to the mouth of the river.  My mother showed me the fog horn.  I remember it was just visible but the sound was deafening to a four year old.  After we walked downtown and mother and I got a hot fudge sundae at the Drug Store.  Some thing us old guys remember.

Standard calisthenics and walk at Y before heading to Panera.  As soon as I sat down I got a message from Nancy that the power was out.  Fifth time in a week. How many transformers do they have to replace?

Was channel surfing this morning when I paused at Morning Joe.  The level of nastiness was embarrassing.  I am getting totally turned off by TV news.  I think this a common among men of my generation.

Florida will allow teachers to carry guns!  Dumb, dumb.

Did not get home until 1300.  The power was off but Kim was able to clean using a flashlight.  I checked and she did a great job.

After lunch I was going to run some errands but could not because with the power out I cannot open the garage.  I spent some time on my cell talking to insurance agents and making an appointment with my Dermatologist.  

Fixed our apple snack before taking a nap.  This evening Nancy and I headed to Brann’s for dinner.  I had a bowl of chili and Nancy a pulled pork sandwich.  As always the food was good.

Got home in time for the evening news.  I took a short walk after.  The Jeopardy streak continues.

Tonight we watched the final episode of White Dragon.  I finished the evening watching Rake.  I love this show.

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