Friday, May 31, 2019

Thursday May 30, 2019

Thursday May 30, 2019

In my youth today was Memorial Day.

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy and Ms P were up at 0600.  I slept in until 0645.  Still wobbly but getting better.

Ms P has a 1440 Vet appointment.  

Checked outside and it was not raining.  Great, I can ride my bike.  However, my iPhone weather app said rain all morning.

After breakfast I stepped outside and it was raining hard. No bike today, I drove the Ford to the Y.  iPhone weather app 1, Bob 0.

The thunder storms had closed MVP’s pool.  Nancy was home early.

Both the Y and Panera were not busy.  Maybe folks have moved to their cottages for the summer.

This and that;

Why was Special Prosecutor Mueller so vague in his press conference?   The GOP says no crime.  The Dems say impeach.  Good grief more nasty days are ahead.  It is embarrassing.  Are we ever going to get some necessary legislation, like infrastructure?

All of a sudden abortion is becoming a major issue.  I oppose abortion but do not think passing laws to ban the procedure is the answer.  It is still a personal choice.  We don’t need more laws.

If you think the USA’s government is screwed up you should read about the problems in the E.U.  

China is gloating that their authoritarian government is the best model and democracy as a form of government is in decline.  Despite our current problems, democracy always is better for it citizens.

It was still raining with temps in mid 50s when I drove home at noon.  Rain should end this afternoon.  

Every depression is filled with water.  Good conditions for mosquito breeding.

Lunch and then took out trash and recyclables.  

At 1400 grabbed Ms P and headed to Vet.  The Vet took some blood and gave Ms P several annual shots.  Nothing alarming from the blood test.  Bottom line Ms P is old and her heart and kidneys will continue to decline.

At home fixed apple snack before taking nap.
This evening Nancy and I drove to Brann’s.  The place was jammed and noisy.  Several big parties underway.

Drove to JT’s Pizza.  We split a ham and pineapple pizza.  I also had a glass of wine.  We both gave JT’s a B+.

I finished my outdoor activities with a mile walk.

Watched Jeopardy and the streak continues.

We both watched the season’s final episode of Bosch.  I also watched Fallet and the final minutes of the NBA finals.  I want Toronto to win.


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