Saturday, June 1, 2019

Friday May 31, 2019

Friday May 31, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Finally we had bright sun this morning.  Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I got up at 0630.

Nancy headed to her class at MVP.  After breakfast I biked to the Y.  Took my summer 7 mi route.  The temp was in mid 50s.  At 1130 the temp was up to 72.  Great!

The Y was crowded this morning.  Some elementary schools must be out.  Noted several groups of kids taking classes.  It is nice is to hear happy kids.

This evening the Moleski’s are opening their deck.  The Book Club was invited.  We are going.

This and that;

POTUS want to increase tariffs for Mexico.  His reason, he wants Mexico to stop immigrants from Central America.  Using tariffs to solve a social problem is not the answer.  Why pick a fight with our neighbors.  Dumb.

USS McCain vs President Trump.  USS McCain 1, President Trump 0.

Afternoon activities;

Shower then a quick lunch.  
Took a short nap.
Fixed apple snack.

Left home at 1600 and headed to Moleski’s for dinner.

Eight folks were in attendance.  Six BC members and two spouses.

For dinner we had brats cooked on the grill.  Homemade potato salad and grilled veggies.  Very good.  Of course there was plenty of beer and wine.

It was 80.  First time this year.  Great sitting outside and enjoying summer.  Good food, drinks and conversation make for a pleasant evening.

Got home near 2000.  Watched an episode of Grantchester followed by Fallet before turning in.

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