Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Monday June 3, 2019

Monday June 3, 2019

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Woke up this morning at 0630 with bright sun streaming through the window.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  

Bright sun but it was a cool 41.  What to wear on my bike ride?  This time of year the sun warms things up quickly.  41 at 0800 and 58 at 1100.

The Y was crowded.  Calisthenics and walk.

Panera was also crowded.  A lot of business gets done at Panera.  This morning noted several job interviews.

A lot of High School graduations this weekend.  My high school has 267 Graduates.  Slightly more than my 1956 class.  However if you add Catholic Central it exceeds this year’s number.  Catholic Central closed many years ago making AHS the only HS in the County.

Two small villages near Alpena had graduations.  Hillman had 29 graduates and Atlanta 15.  It must be difficult for these small schools to offer advanced placement classes.  I know both schools have switched to 8 man football.

This afternoon I am taking the Escape in for an oil change.

This and that from news;

POTUS seems to be behaving during his visit with the Queen.  All TV networks ran the opening ceremony.  Beautiful day and many great photos of the military guard.  The Brits can do these ceremonies on a grand scale.

The stock market goes up and then down.  The so called experts blame the unstable trade negotiations.  

Threatening Mexico with tariffs if they don’t stop immigrants from Central America is bad public policy.

At home showered, lunch and then took the Escape to the Ford dealer for an oil change.  Usually I have to wait about 90 minutes so I have time to do some reading.  The Dealer recently upgraded their facility so it only took 20 minutes.

This afternoon;  

Took a nap
Prepared apple snack

We had a light dinner.  Nancy bought a watermelon and said it was very sweet.  I am not a fan of watermelon.

After dinner

Fixed snacks.
Took a mile walk

We watched an episode of Call the MidWifes.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched a crime mystery set in Chile.  English subtitles.  I am hooked on foreign crime shows.

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