Friday, June 28, 2019

Thursday June 27, 2019

Thursday June 27, 2019
Blog time 1640 sitting in living room

I thought I got up early at 0610 but Nancy was already up and starting her intravenous medicine.  Today she has an 1100 appointment with the Doctor.  She hope he will tell her no more intravenous medicine.

After breakfast I headed out about 30 minutes earlier than usual.  I took my 7 mile route to the Y.  Critter report, saw about twenty turkeys feeding.

Did calisthenics and a walk before heading home.  No Panera today.

Nancy left at 1000 for the Doctor’s office.  AJ and I headed to IHOP.  We both had pancakes and scrambled eggs.  Very good.

I ran a short errand, took some shirts to the laundry.  The laundry charges very little to wash and iron shirts.  I have just started using this service.  Trying to avoid looking like a slovenly old man.

GREAT NEWS, NANCY IS OFF THE INTRAVENOUS MEDICINE.  We are celebrating by going to the Olive Garden for dinner.

At noon Nancy and AJ headed to Kathi Kothe’s for a swim.  The temperature was in the mid 80s with bright sun.  I took a nap.

This and that;

Big disappointment that UM baseball team lost the NCAA World Series.

The US Supreme Court issued two important decisions.  One was about Gerrymandering and the other regarding the citizenship question on the 2020 census.  I agreed with both decisions.

Bad decision to allow sailors who were on ships off the shore of Vietnam apply for agent orange benefits.  I cannot believe these sailors were exposed.  I wish there was a full proof method of detecting chemicals in the body years after exposure.  

Nancy and AJ returned from swimming and informed me no Olive Garden tonight.  We are ordering pizza.  

I ordered a large pizza from JT’s.  The parking lot at JT’s was full.  Most folks had a pickup order.  Great pizza.  It hit the spot.

This evening AJ continued watching animated shows on Netflix.  Nancy and I watched Grantchester on Prime.  Lights out for Nancy and AJ at 2130.  I stayed up and watched a cop show. 

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