Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Tuesday June 25, 2019

Tuesday June 25, 2019

Blog time 1000 on Wednesday sitting in Panera

We woke up to bright sun.  I did some light calisthenics before breakfast and then headed out on a long 11 mile bike ride.  At home I showered and shaved.  Drove to Panera for coffee.  I told AJ I would buy her a sweet treat but she was not interested.

Finished yesterday’s blog and read some papers.  Nancy is leaving at 1130 for lunch with friends.  I head home at 1100.

Quick lunch and then AJ and I headed to the John Ball Zoo.  Spent several hours walking around.

Nancy was already home when AJ and I arrived.  Nancy said she had a nice relaxing lunch with three friends.  They ate at the cafe in Schuyler’s Books.

This afternoon I took a nap and after fixed our apple snack.  

This afternoon I got a call from an old high school classmate, Mike McGirr.  Mike and I were in the same schools from K-12.  We had a nice 60 minute chat.  Mike called to remind me of a HS get together in late August.  After Mike retired from the Alpena Fire Department he spent several years on the professional Bass fishing tour.

For dinner Nancy fixed chicken with mashed potatoes.  Very good.  AJ loves mashed potatoes.

This evening AJ stayed in the den and watched an animated show on Netflix.  Nancy and I watched Wycliffe on Acorn in the living room.  

Nancy headed to bed at 2100 and I turned the lights out in the den at 2130.  I stayed up and watched another Acorn show.

About 1600 we started getting storm warning alerts on our TV and our iPads.  False alarm we got about 14 1/2 drops.  

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