Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Tuesday June 11, 2019

Tuesday June 11, 2019

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Woke up to bright sun.  Temperature in mid 50s with no wind.  High today in mid 70s.

Nancy took Ms P out.  She asked me to find our shower stool so she could shower.  She covered up her bandaged foot and successfully showered.

Nancy has two Doctor’s appointment today.  The foot surgeon and our GP.

Breakfast and then biked to Y.  Critter report, 2 deer and 8 turkeys.

Calisthenics and walk at Y before heading to Panera.  It was 15 degrees warmer than when I started.

This and that;

How come I am cold with three layers on and most folks are in short sleeves?

Big televised debate between Dem Presidential contenders in three weeks.  Good grief, a bit early isn’t it?

Neither the pols in DC or Lansing have funded road and bridge construction.  The vast majority of folks agree the work is needed.  Just raise the gas tax, it is that simple.  If you don’t like the tax get a bike or electric car.

A lot of folks are making a big deal of farting cattle.  Is it really a major contributor to climate change?  I will never give up eating meat.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  Nancy’s morning appointment with the foot surgeon went well.

This afternoon I biked to Meijer’s to purchase apples.  Fixed our apple snack as soon as Nancy got home from her appointment with our GP.  Another clean bill.

Took a short nap before dinner.  For dinner Nancy fixed me a chicken sandwich.  We finished the rotisserie chicken.

We watched the news.  Fixed our after dinner snacks.  Took a short walk before settling down with a glass of wine.

Tonight we watched an episode of Unforgotten.  We are almost finished with this show.  In recent weeks we have finished several shows.  On Friday Netflix is releasing several interesting shows.  

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