Monday, June 17, 2019

Sunday June 16, 2019

Saturday June 15, 2019

Blog time 1750 sitting in living room

Weekend Update for WE 16JUN19

Saturday June 15

I slept in until 0640.  Nancy was already up and preparing her intravenous drip.  Afternoon rain predicted.

We drove to Panera.  Walked in and the AC was going full blast.  The place was too cold so we left.

Stopped at Bob Evans.  I had an oatmeal breakfast and Nancy had ham and eggs.  Very good.

At home we called Missy to check on her arrival.  She and AJ will arrive tomorrow morning.  They are taking the red eye.  Good thing we called because we were 24 hours off.

Nancy started the laundry and I took a 10 mile bike ride.  Showered and shaved after the ride and then had a quick lunch.

This afternoon we attended the East Grand Rapids Art Fair.  This is an annual event.  The City closes Wealthy Ave through Gaslight Village.  This event was well attended.  The weather cooperated, no rain.  

At home I took a short nap and then headed downstairs to pay bills.  Walked to post box.  

Fixed our apple snack.  Nancy is now fixing dinner.  World famous poached eggs on toast.

Just checked ESPN and found out UM BB team won.

We had our after dinner snacks.  
Watched some Apple TV.  
Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We got caught up.

Sunday June 16, 2019

Up at 0630.  We debated whether to attend the 0800 or 0915 church service.  Missy and AJ are coming in at 1130 and we don’t want to be late.  Decided we can make their arrival on time if we attend the 0915 service.

Nancy gave herself her intravenous medicine.  I made a quick trip to Panera to get us each a coffee.  Light turnout at church this morning.  

We got to the airport at 1115.  The plane arrived at 1150.  AJ and Missy were tired from their flight.  Flying red eye will do that.

Every one crashed at home.  After lunch I took a nice long walk.  
For dinner we headed to Brann’s.  Being Father’s Day I got a free sizzler.  Nancy had soup, AJ chickens nuggets and Missy had a super duper burger.  Great food.

Both Debbie and Stephen contacted me today to wish me a Happy Father’s Day.  Nice gesture!

At home we watched some Apple TV before turning in.  Busy day!

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