Saturday, June 22, 2019

Thursday June 20, 2019

Thursday June 20, 2019

Blog time 1420 sitting in living room.

It rained hard all night.  Still raining when took Ms P out at 0630.  Weather folks say rain won’t stop until late afternoon.

Nancy was just finishing her intravenous medicine when I drove to the Y.  I don’t bike in the rain.

After my calisthenics and a walk I headed home.  Nancy told me she had a beauty shop appointment for AJ at 1000.  I grabbed by iPad and headed to Panera.

Panera was super cold so after I read my email I headed back home.  Spend time reading and finishing blog.

Nancy and AJ got home at 1100.  We headed straight to Costco.  Bought cookies, bug spray, and water for our trip up north.  Also, dropped off a pair of khakis at tailor to be shortened.  

Before lunch I finished packing.  Lunch and then returned to reading;

This and that;

Iran’s downing of USA Drone, especially if it was in international air space, was dumb.  

72 police officers in Philadelphia were taken off street duty because of racist comment published online.  Why publish remark that are controversial online for all to see?

Will Boris Johnson be the UK’s next PM?

I cannot name one starter on the Tigers.

FedEx seems to be the most favored delivery service, by far, in our neighborhood.

We had a light dinner.  Nancy and AJ finished packing.  I loaded the car.

Watched some TV before heading to bed.  Travel day tomorrow.

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