Monday, June 10, 2019

Sunday June 9, 2019

Weekend Update for WE 09JUN19

Blog time 1730 Saturday sitting in office.

Lot of excitement last night. At 0200 I heard a lot of fluttering.  Got out of bed and encountered a bat.  It flew all over the first floor looking for an outlet.  I tried to hit it with a broom.  No luck.

Finally, opened the master bedroom slider as wide as it would go.  Chased the bat into the bedroom and thought it had left.  Closed the door and heard no more noise.

Woke up this morning, 0615, to bright sun.  Looks like a beautiful day.  

No walk to Panera today.  Instead we drove to Anna’s on East Beltline.  I had fried eggs, hash browns, link sausage and toast.  Nancy had scrambled eggs and a biscuit.  Anna’s gets rave reviews but we gave it a C.  Overrated and overpriced.  We felt rushed.

After breakfast we headed to Trader Joe’s.  Today is Becky Verker’s Birthday so Nancy bought a flower.  We are having dinner tonight with Becky and Phil Hertel.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I took a 12 mile bike ride.  
Stopped at Ada Bike and swapped out my 36 tooth front chain ring for a 32 tooth.  It should make Hill climbing easier.  They made the change in less than 30 minutes.

I pass several parks on my ride.  They were all full.  Great day for baseball, tennis, soccer and a picnic.  The trail was also busy with bikers and walkers.  My new bike bell got a workout.

Just got home when the visiting nurse stopped by.  She watched Nancy insert the antibiotics into her intravenous tube.  Nancy passed with flying colors.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  Lunch and then;

Drove Nancy to the dollar store
Took a nap.
Fixed apple snack
Nancy spent some FaceTime with kids.

At 1730 we drove to Marco’s for dinner.  Becky and Phil had already arrived.  We had a very pleasant evening.  The food, wine and conversation was great.  

Home by 2100.  Watched a show on Netflix before turning in.  Rain tomorrow.

Sunday June 9, 2019

I woke up at 0200 to the flap of wings.  He was back!  Yes the bat had not left.

I chased the bat around both upstairs and downstairs.  I could not hit him with a broom.  I got him into the down stairs office and was able to close all the doors.  I had him trapped.

I had Nancy hold a blanket over the door so he could not fly out while I entered the office.  Opened the office slider and with the broom chased him outside.  Mission accomplished!  Bob 1, bat 0.

Got up at 0615 and took Ms P out into light drizzle.  Despite the drizzle I did walk around the block.  After breakfast I drove to Panera and got us each a coffee.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845 in a light rain.  Good crowd at church.  

We are beginning to know more members so we like to arrive early and gather in the community room for snacks and conversation.

Gas today at Meijer’s was $2.74.  Why the recent decline in price during the peak driving season?

This morning Nancy successfully inserted the antibiotics into the intravenous tube.  She was very proud.

Activities this afternoon and evening.

Apple snack
Pedaled to D&W in drizzle to mail package
Nancy FaceTimed with kids
World famous scrambled eggs for dinner
60 Minutes
Debbie FaceTimed 
Watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My friend Stacy found your mother’s high school diploma in her home in Alpena.