Friday, June 14, 2019

Thursday June 13, 2019

Thursday June 13, 2019

Blog time 1100 at Panera

It was raining when we got up this morning.  Temperature in the 50s all day.  

Nancy is getting good at giving herself her intravenous medicine.  Went off without a hitch today.

After breakfast I drove to the Y.  No biking in the rain.  Summer camp has started for kids so the Y was noisy and crowded.

Calisthenics and a walk but today I increased my walk to 1.2 miles.  Happy to see my time for a mile was below 20’.

This and that;

Today is a big day for Grandson Lucas.  He graduates from eighth grade.  Next year he starts at Long Beach Poly HS.  CONGRATS LUCAS.

I remember my 8th Grade graduation (1952).  The Scott family took the only vacation I can remember.  We visited Canada including a Botanical Gardens in Hamilton, Ontario and then Niagara Falls.  Also spent a night in Cleveland and Detroit.  I saw the Indians play and also a Tigers game.  We visited the Detroit Zoo.  First time I had been outside Mi.  Great memory.

The Biden and Trump feud continues.  POTUS’s name calling is out of line.  Classless!

Lithium is the important element in electric car batteries.  The biggest deposits are in Bolivia.  Mining lithium is very environmentally disruptive.  What happens when Bolivia starts raising it price as it has threatened. 

We are already seeing China which has the largest supply of rare earth minerals controlling their sale.  Rare earth minerals are important in weapons manufacturing and some electronics.

Watching the demonstrations in Hong Kong I wonder will Hong Kong retain some independence?  

Critter alert!  This morning a doe and her young fawn ran across the road in front of me.  Made my day.

St Louis Blues win Stanley Cup.  First time!

Is Iran responsible for blowing holes in oil tankers?  If they are it seems like a desperate act.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  The rain continues so I headed downstairs to my office.  Turned on the electric fireplace.  Check financials, cleaned up my in basket and then made calls to old friends.

First call was to old engineering friend Tom Mayan.  Tom lives in Merrill, Mi.  We are the same age and I have know Tom since the 60s.  We talked for nearly an hour.  It was great to discuss old times and friends.

Next call was to Jennifer Dougherty.  Jennifer now owns her own engineering firm located in downtown Alto, Mi.  She and husband are also Turkey farmers.  I gave Jennifer her first engineering job.  Good move on my part because Jennifer is a great Engineer.  Jennifer oldest daughter just graduated from High School.  She is headed to college next year.  She plans on studying Bio-engineering and play lacrosse.  It was great to get caught up.

Talking with old engineering colleagues is a great way to spend a rainy afternoon.  Glad I took the time.

This evening Nancy and I are having dinner with the Vances, Cathy and Doug, and the Mastens, Carol and Bill.  Ours sons were in the same class at OHHS.

We left at 1545 for Cascade Roadhouse.  We had drinks in their outdoor area while waiting for a table.  The restaurant was crowded.  A great American food menu.  I had the fried perch and Nancy had a chicken salad.  We gave the place an A.  

We spent 90 minutes in great conversation.  Good time!

At home we watched some Netflix before turning in.  Finally tomorrow will be a sunny day.

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