Sunday, June 23, 2019

Saturday June 22, 2019

Saturday June 22, 2019

Blog time 0730 sitting in dining area, Fairfield Inn, Gaylord, Mi

Woke up at 0630 to bright sunshine.  Checked weather app and we will have sun all day.  Great news for the Finnegan/Crandall wedding this afternoon.

AJ was still sleeping.  Nancy was starting her intravenous medicine when I headed downstairs for breakfast.

The dining area was nearly empty.  Standard hotel complimentary breakfast.  I had oatmeal, banana and bagel.  The food is good.

0900 I drove AJ to the Crandall farm.  This morning AJ and her female cousins are frosting cupcakes and cookies.  I returned to hotel.

At hotel spent time reading papers before returning to Crandall’s to pick up AJ.  The cupcakes and cookies look great.  I did purchase a case of Coor’s light for the wedding reception.

We all took a shower and got ready for the wedding.  Left the hotel at 1500 and headed to the Finnegan farm in Johannesburg.  A large crowd had already assembled.  

The wedding was held outdoors.  Sean and Jennifer had rented tents for the reception in case of rain.  A pleasant setting for the wedding.  Family members from as far away as Texas, Colorado, California and Maryland attended.

The wedding ceremony started at 1700.  Don Crandall walked his daughter Jenny down the aisle.  Don has difficulty walking so Jennifer’s three daughters supported their Grandfather.  It was a very nice wedding.

The wedding meal consisted of hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken.  Also baked beans and salad.  

We spent a lot of time mingling and talking to guests.  A very eclectic mix of occupations, farmers, school teachers, truck drivers, factory workers and even an engineer, dentist and US Army Sargent.  Nancy even met an old sorority sister from Albion College.

The weather was great all day.  Nice way to spend the first day of summer in mid-America.  

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