Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Monday June 24, 2019

Monday June 24, 2019

Blog time 1220 on Tuesday, sitting in living room

Monday morning and I get up at 0630 and head down to the dinning area for an oatmeal breakfast.  Today is a travel day. We return to GR.

ADDITION TO SATURDAY’S BLOG;  I mentioned in Saturday’s blog at all the different occupations of folks attending Saturday’s wedding of Jennifer and Sean Finnegan..  I forgot to mention the two world class professional motocross racers.  Don Crandall’s daughter Shirley Short’s son and son-in-law were both professional racers.  Sorry for the oversight Guys.

We left Gaylord about 0900.  It rained until we got about 50 miles from GR.  At home emptied the car and then lunch.  It started to rain hard in GR about 1600.  

This afternoon I fixed our apple snack and took a short nap.  Light dinner followed by short walk.  

AJ watched a Netflix cartoon while Nancy and I watched a show on Acorn. Lights out at 2130.  Long day.

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